TSC 2023 includes plenary sessions, in-depth workshops, concurrent presentations, poster sessions on a glamorous rooftop in the center of Taormina, and book and technology exhibits. Abstracts of workshops, special events, plenary talks, concurrent sessions and posters are all included in the abstracts section of the conference booklet. Poster presenters will be able to locate the day of their presentation.

- W1: Ethical Issues of AI and Consciousness, Antonio Chella, Angelo Cangelosi, John P. Sullins, Robin Zebrowski
- W2: Contextual Emergence and Consciousness, Robert C. Bishop, Alicia Juarrero, Gil Santos
- W3: Quantum computing and collapse of the wavefunction, Thomas Brophy, Catalina Curceanu, Paavo Pylkkanen, Stuart Hameroff, Sir Roger Penrose, Anirban Bandyopadhyay
- W4: Varieties of Conscious Experience and Contemplative Practice, Jay Sanguinetti, Jonathan Schooler, Malcolm Wright, Brian Lord, Daniel Ingram
- W5: The Unity of Consciousness and the Subject of Experience, Donnchadh O Conaill, Mark Textor, Elizabeth Schechter
- W6: Quantum biology, Travis Craddock, Jim Al-Khalili, Giuseppe Vitiello, JohnJoe McFadden
- W7: Unifying Fundamentalist Theories of Consciousness, Michael Silberstein, William Seager, Dean Rickles, Marc Wittmann
- W8: The role of embodiment in self-aware humans and robots, Giulio Sandini, Raja Chatila, Minoru Asada, Shaun Gallager, Simone Sarasso, Carlo Mazzola
First Workshops session. 2pm-5pm Monday May 22
Second Workshops Session 5pm-8pm Monday May 22
Keynote and Plenaries
David Chalmers - Sir Roger Penrose - Anil Seth
P1: Quantum Brain Biology
Stuart Hameroff - Jim Al Khalili - Travis Craddock
P2: Phenomenal Experience
Nicholas Humphrey - Kevin O' Regan - Shaun Gallagher - Uriah Kriegel
P3: Neuroscience
Lucia Melloni - Jay Sanguinetti - Orli Dahan
P4: Hallucinations
Fiona Macpherson - Heather Logue - Alex Byrne - Riccardo Manzotti
P5: AI & Consciousness
Manuel & Lenore Blum - Owen Holland - Susan Schneider
P6: Intentionality
Tim Crane - Pietro Perconti - Alberto Voltolini - Nancy Salay
P7: Conscious & Evolution
Frans de Waal - Giorgio Vallortigara - David Edelman
P8: E-M & Resonance Theories
Johnjoe McFadden - Tam Hunt - Michael Levin - Anirban Bandyopadhyay
P9: Free Will
Sir Roger Penrose - Mario de Caro - Alain Morin
Concurrent Sessions


Program Committee
- Antonio Chella (Università di Palermo)
- Riccardo Manzotti (Università IULM, Milano)
- Pietro Perconti (Università di Messina)
- Stuart Hameroff (University of Arizona at Tucson)
- Harald Atmanspacher (Turing Center, ETH Zurich)